外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Knowing Me, Knowing You Using language 课件(30张ppt)

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外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Knowing Me, Knowing You Using language 课件(30张ppt)

2023-04-14 20:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共30张PPT)unit 1Knowing me,knowing you.---Using language-ed as adverbial1. Understand some new words and phrases.2. Make some sentences by using “-ed as adverbial”.3. Understand the meaning of “-ed as adverbial”.Learning objects:-ed as adverbialPay attention to these sentences and answer the questions.Disappointed by his behaviour, I said ...Approached in this way, your friendship will ...Who was subject in sentence (a) What is subject in sentence (b) Because I was disappointed , I said all this to my best friend.If it is approached, your friendship will soon be repaired.What is the difference between these sentences Why does the author choose to use -ed in the reading passage Watch the video and find the examples of -ed as adverbialGrammar-ed as adverbialA,过去分词作时间状语1. When it is heated, ice will be changed into water.当冰被加热的时候,冰会变成水。When heated, ice will be changed into water.Heated, ice will be changed into water.ExerciseWhen it is caught by an eagle, Tony will hide in its shell.When caught by an eagle, Tony will hide in its shell.Caught by an eagle, Tony will hide in its shell.B 过去分词作原因状语As / Since she was encouraged by her teacher, Jenny won the first prize.As / Since encouraged Jenny won the first prize.Encouraged by her teacher, Jenny won the first prize.ExerciseSince / As he was betrayed by friends, Tony never trusted others.由于他被朋友背叛(betray),Tony从不相信别人。Since / As betrayed by friends, Tony never trusted others.Betrayed by friends, Tony never trusted others.C 过去分词作条件状语3. If we are given a chance, we will change the world.If given a chance, we will change the world.Given a chance, we will change the world.If it is scared, the bird will fly away.如果它被吓到,这只小鸟会飞走。If scared, the bird will fly away.Scared, the bird will fly away.Exercise◆The old man walked into the room, supported by his son.=The old man walked into the room and was supported by his son.D 过去分词作方式状语◆The teacher came into the room, followed by two students.=The teacher came into the room, and he was followed by two students.E 过去分词作伴随状语lost(迷失的)、 seated(就座的)、hidden(隐藏的)、 absorbed/lost in (沉浸于)、 buried in (埋头于)、 dressed in(穿着)、 tired of(厌烦), worried(担心的)等。Absorbed/Lost in deep thought, he didn't hear the sound.Tired of too much homework, Tony ran away.Dressed in red clothes, he looked so horrible.F 特殊:过去分词单纯做形容词,修饰主语过去分词作状语:过去分词有两大特点:1. 表示被动的动作;2. 表示已经完成的动作, 因此, 当过去分词作状语的时候一定要搞清楚分词与主语的逻辑关系--被动。用过去分词作状语来改写句子。As I was worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.→ _______________________, I was unsettled for the first few days.Worried about the journey2. If he is given time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.→ __________, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.3) As I was confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.→ ______________________________,I was hit by the lack of fresh air.Given timeConfused by the new surroundings1. Following the old man, we went upstairs.—we followed (跟着那个老人, 我们上去了)2. Followed by the old man, we went upstairs. (we were) (被那个老人跟着, 我们上去了)Compare(伴随)(伴随)3. 从上面看, 体育场好像一个鸟巢。 ____ from the top, the stadium looks like a bird nest. A. Seeing B. Seen4. 从太空看, 宇航员看不到长城。____ from the space, the astronaut can not discover the Great Wall. A. Seeing B. SeenDifference between the Present Participleand the Past Participle_____for a long time, the book looks old.由于用了很长时间,这本书看上去很旧。______ the book, I find it useful.在使用的过程中,我发现这本书很有用。________ at her, he jumped with joy._______ at by her, he jumped with joy.UsedUsingLookingLooked1. I like reading the novels ______ (write) by Zhang Ailing.2. The girl ______ (write) a letter in the study is my cousin.3. There is something wrong with my car and I have to get it _______ (repair).writtenwritingrepairedFilling in the blanks.4. I want the doors of my new house ______ (paint) white.5. There was a ________ (surprise) look on his face.6. He was ______ (excite) at the good news.7. The story was so ______ (move) that he was ______ (move) to tears.paintedsurprisedexcitedmovingmoved用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. _____ (use) in this way, the word shouldn’t be taken as a verb.2. ______ (arm) with special guns, knives and brushes, two space walking astronauts practiced fixing the spacecraft.3. Though ______ (catch) in a traffic jam, we managed to arrive at the airport.UsedArmedcaught从A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。1. The research is so designed that once _____ nothing can be done to change it. (全国 2002)A. begins B. having begunC. Beginning D. begunD高考链接2. _____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. (上海 2002)A. Exposed B. Having exposedC. Being exposed D. After being exposed3. Prices of daily goods _____ through a computer can be lower than store prices. (2002 北京春)A. are bought B. boughtC. been bought D. buyingCB4. When first _____ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.(2004 全国卷II)A. introducing B. introducedC. introduce D. being introduced5. _____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. (湖北 2004)A. Compare B. When comparingC. Comparing D. When comparedBD6. When _____ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.” (福建 2005)A. offering B. to offerC. to be offered D. offered7. _____ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. (四川 2006)A. Faced B. FaceC. Facing D. To faceDA8. _____ by a greater demand for vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. (浙江 2007)A. Driven B. Being drivenC. To drive D. Having driven9. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _____ every day. (四川 2007)A. watered B. wateringC. water D. to waterAA10. _____ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.(陕西 2008)Having shownB. To be shownC. Having been shownD. To showCLOREM IPSUM DOLORLOREM IPSUM DOLOR






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